Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Metabolism Moans

The truth of the matter is that, whether I like it or not, I have a slow metabolism. Very slow. I am short too. Some would say very short but the bottom line is I need very little food to maintain my status quo weight-wise. 

If I overeat through higher calorie choices or additional food, I put on weight. Very easily. Simple as that.

It is not fair. No, it is definitely not fair. But that's life. Now I know the reality, it's up to me what to do with it. We each make our own choices in this short life, some however, are harder than others.

Yet again it all boils down to what you really want? Do I want it enough to do what I know is necessary to stay slim-ish?

Yes, most of the time is the honest answer. Sometimes it's easier than others but the most important point is that I keep trying. Only when you give up have you lost the battle.

Saturday, 25 July 2015

Oh the Pain to Maintain (that coveted weight loss)

I have lost my way recently with my dieting efforts. It has been compounded by an increasing acceptance of the weight I am presently at. For those of you like myself who want full disclosure of the numbers we are talking about, I am 9 stone 8 lbs, 134 lbs or 60.9 kg. The advanced class will want to know too that my height is 157cm (or 5'2") giving me a BMI of 24.7.

For once I am going to stop aiming for 'thin' and accept my present weight (slim-ish).

Maintenance of any weight loss is hard though. It requires the same amount of continual effort as weight loss, but without any of the rewards. 

A 'good' week is rewarded by staying the same (STS). There are no longer comments of 'have you lost weight?', 'your face looks thinner' yet we're supposed to be happy with this result. That's one of the reasons I thought that blogging about this new road I'm following might help my mind to follow it too. 

It's pure hunkering down for the long term that's required and that is what I need to do now.  I've wasted many years of my life being over weight and regularly vow to waste no more time wishing I was thinner.

Now I've reached a weight I am comfortable at, it's realistic and it should be maintainable, it's time to walk the walk.

All I've got to do is keep my eye on the prize,  play the long game, and keep trying to win this war on weight. Are you with me?