Saturday, 1 August 2015

Eating to Live, or Living to Eat

Although happy to admit I'm in the latter camp,  this is unfortunate. No matter how good your eating plan is, how well you are following it or how immersed you are in its foibles, to succeed there must be one underlying principle:food cannot be the centre of your life. 

One cannot spend their days eating, planning what to eat and wondering when they will next eat. Eating needs to be superfluous to life (in the main, special occasions excepted). To maintain our desired weight we need to move into the 'Eat to Live' camp and fill our lives with something else. Anything else.
 I am trying to move away from the food, physically and metaphorically, and stop eating when it is just "something to do". 
So what am I doing instead? Anything really but things I've found helpful are doing jigsaws, tidying cupboards, de-cluttering corner of junk, doing my nails or surfing the web. I'm often tempted to bake something but this option keeps me in the kitchen and keeps food foremost in my mind. Baking anything always leads to over-eating at some point; if not the same day then usually the next, when everyone else has lost interest in the cake and I'm left alone 'not wanting it to go to waste'. Or waist.

It's not easy to change to an 'Eat to Live' mentality, especially as we get older and any social life remaining revolves around eating and drinking but change we must (try). Food should not be the main event. 

Like many things, this sounds easier said than done, but if it doesn't challenge you, it wont change you. 

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